5 Key Metrics for Commercial Investors

These metrics are essential for evaluating the performance and potential of commercial properties, helping investors make informed decisions and optimize their investments.

Investing in commercial real estate involves a different set of metrics compared to residential real estate. These metrics are essential for evaluating the performance and potential of commercial properties, helping investors make informed decisions and optimize their investments. Here are the five metrics that matter most to commercial real estate investors.

Net Operating Income (NOI)

Net Operating Income (NOI) is the total income generated from a property, minus operating expenses, but before deducting taxes and interest. This metric is crucial as it provides a clear picture of a property’s profitability.

Why It Matters:

Helps assess the profitability of a property.
Essential for calculating other key metrics like cap rate and ROI.
Allows investors to compare different properties on a similar basis.

Capitalization Rate (Cap Rate)

The Cap Rate is the ratio of a property’s NOI to its current market value. It is a key metric for evaluating the potential return on a commercial real estate investment.

Why It Matters:

Helps determine the return on investment.
Useful for comparing the profitability of multiple properties.
A higher cap rate generally indicates a higher return, though it may also imply higher risk.

Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM)

Gross Rent Multiplier (GRM) is a simple metric used to evaluate the value of a property by comparing its price to its gross rental income. It is particularly useful for quick comparisons between properties.

Why It Matters:

Provides a quick estimate of a property’s value.
Helps investors identify undervalued or overvalued properties.
Useful for preliminary screening of potential investments.

Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR)

The Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) measures a property’s ability to cover its debt obligations with its NOI. Lenders often use this metric to evaluate the risk of lending to an investor.

Why It Matters:

Indicates the financial health and stability of a property.
A DSCR greater than 1 means the property generates sufficient income to cover its debt.
Essential for securing financing and assessing investment risk.

Cash-on-Cash Return

Cash-on-Cash Return measures the annual return on the cash invested in a property. It helps investors understand the return on their actual cash investment, excluding loan financing.

Why It Matters:

Provides a clear picture of the return on the actual cash invested.
Helps investors compare the profitability of different investments.
Essential for assessing the efficiency of cash utilization.

How Left Main REI Can Help

Left Main REI, built on Salesforce, offers robust tools to track and analyze these critical metrics for commercial real estate investors. With customizable dashboards and real-time data, you can easily monitor your NOI, cap rates, GRM, DSCR, and cash-on-cash return. This empowers you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your commercial real estate investments for maximum returns.

Tips on Managing Home Renovation Costs

A real estate investor stands proudly in front of a conference room

Renovating your home can be an exciting yet daunting task, especially when it comes to managing costs. Whether you’re updating your kitchen or bathroom in Houston, understanding the financial aspects of your renovation project is crucial. Our handy renovation cost calculator is here to help you estimate the expenses and keep your budget on track.

Renovating your home can be an exciting yet daunting task, especially when it comes to managing costs. Whether you’re updating your kitchen or bathroom in Houston, understanding the financial aspects of your renovation project is crucial. Our handy renovation cost calculator is here to help you estimate the expenses and keep your budget on track. Here are some essential tips on managing home renovation costs effectively.

Plan Your Budget Carefully

Before starting any renovation project, it’s vital to have a clear budget in place. Determine how much you’re willing to spend and stick to that budget as closely as possible. Consider all aspects of the renovation, including materials, labor, permits, and unexpected expenses.

Tip: Use our renovation cost calculator to get an accurate estimate of your project’s costs. By filling in the required information, you’ll receive a detailed pricing breakdown based on cost per square foot and other relevant factors. Click here to try the calculator for free.

Prioritize Your Renovation Needs

Not all renovations are created equal. Some updates may be more urgent or provide a higher return on investment than others. Prioritize the areas of your home that need immediate attention or that will significantly increase your property’s value.

Tip: Focus on high-impact areas like the kitchen and bathroom. These spaces often offer the best return on investment and can greatly enhance your home’s functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Choose Quality Materials Wisely

While it might be tempting to opt for the cheapest materials, this can end up costing you more in the long run. Invest in quality materials that offer durability and longevity. This doesn’t mean you have to break the bank–look for materials that provide the best value for your money.

Tip: Our renovation cost calculator takes into account different material options, helping you choose the best quality materials within your budget.

Hire Reputable Contractors

A significant portion of your renovation budget will go toward labor costs. Hiring experienced and reputable contractors is essential to ensure the job is done correctly and efficiently. Research potential contractors, check references, and get multiple quotes before making a decision.

Tip: Don’t just go with the lowest bid. Consider the contractor’s reputation, experience, and previous work to ensure you’re getting the best value for your money.

Plan for Contingencies

Renovations often come with unexpected surprises that can impact your budget. It’s wise to set aside a contingency fund to cover unforeseen expenses. A good rule of thumb is to allocate an extra 10-15% of your total budget for contingencies.

Tip: Use our renovation cost calculator to get a comprehensive estimate that includes potential extra costs, helping you better prepare for any surprises.

Track Your Expenses

Keep a close eye on your spending throughout the renovation process. Regularly compare your actual expenses to your budget to ensure you’re staying on track. This will help you make adjustments as needed and avoid overspending.

Tip: Maintain a detailed record of all expenses, including receipts and invoices. This will not only help you stay within budget but also provide valuable documentation for future reference.

Managing home renovation costs doesn’t have to be overwhelming. With careful planning, smart decision-making, and the right tools, you can keep your project within budget and achieve your renovation goals. Our renovation cost calculator is designed to help you estimate costs accurately and make informed decisions throughout your renovation journey.

If you have any questions or need assistance with our cost calculator, feel free to contact us. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

AI in Real Estate

An optimistic real estate investor sits at his computer thinking

Should you be using AI in your real estate business?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) transforms the real estate industry by streamlining operations and enhancing decision-making. Here are three ways AI tools can help you run your real estate business more efficiently.

Predictive Analytics

AI-driven analytics can forecast market trends, property values, and investment risks. By analyzing vast amounts of data, these tools provide insights that help you make informed decisions, identify profitable opportunities, and mitigate potential risks.

Enhanced Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

AI can enhance your CRM by automating tasks such as lead management, follow-ups, and communication. While Left Main is a robust CRM designed for real estate, it can integrate with AI tools like Next Best Action and WooSender to prioritize leads and personalize interactions, improving client relationships and operational efficiency.

Virtual Property Tours and Chatbots

AI enables virtual property tours and chatbots, offering potential buyers and tenants a seamless experience. Virtual tours allow prospects to explore properties remotely, while AI chatbots provide instant responses to inquiries, enhancing customer service and engagement.

How Left Main Can Help

Left Main, built on Salesforce, is a powerful CRM tailored for the real estate industry. It integrates seamlessly with various AI tools, including Next Best Action, WooSender, and many more. These integrations help optimize lead management, improve client interactions, and help you make data-driven decisions.

You can streamline your operations and achieve better outcomes by leveraging Left Main’s capabilities and AI integrations. Book a demo with our team to learn more today.


300+ Flips Per Year

Ryan Pineda and Stephanie Betters on the Wealthy Way Podcast

The Strategy Behind Building and Flipping 300+ Homes Per Year

Tune into an engaging episode of “The Wealthy Way” podcast with host Ryan Pineda as he welcomes our very own CEO, Stephanie Betters! In this episode, Ryan chats with Stephanie about her extraordinary transition from Nurse Practitioner to thriving real estate entrepreneur. With over 1,000 successful flips completed alongside her husband, all while managing a full-time job and a growing family, Stephanie’s journey is truly motivational.

From practical time management tips to navigating the highs and lows of running multiple businesses, Ryan and Stephanie cover it all.

Ryan and Stephanie’s discussion is not just about their personal journeys, but also about the practical aspects of the real estate market. They share innovative strategies that have helped them succeed, even in the most challenging times. This episode is a goldmine of inspiration and practical advice for real estate investors, both new and experienced. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a real estate dynamo. Tune in to ‘The Wealthy Way’ podcast for an enlightening and empowering experience!

Unlock 400k in Stuck Revenue

In the competitive world of real estate, every opportunity to optimize your pipeline and boost revenue is invaluable.

In the competitive world of real estate, every opportunity to optimize your pipeline and boost revenue is invaluable. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by leveraging your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to its full potential. By properly utilizing your CRM, you can identify and address issues in your sales pipeline before they affect your deal flow, ultimately unlocking significant revenue that may otherwise be stuck. Here’s how you can do it.

Identify Leaky Pipes in Your Pipeline

A common issue in real estate sales pipelines is the presence of “leaky pipes,” where deals fall through or stagnate at various stages. These leaks can be due to various reasons, such as poor follow-up, inadequate information, or miscommunication.


Use your CRM to track the progress of each deal in real-time.
Set up automated alerts for deals that have been stagnant for too long.
Analyze historical data to identify patterns and common reasons for deal stagnation.

By identifying and addressing these leaks early, you can ensure a smoother flow of deals through the pipeline, preventing potential revenue loss.

Enhance Follow-Up Processes

Effective follow-up is crucial for maintaining momentum in your sales pipeline. Missed or delayed follow-ups can cause deals to go cold, resulting in lost revenue.


Utilize your CRM’s automation features to schedule and manage follow-up tasks.
Implement follow-up cadences to ensure consistent communication with leads.
Track response rates and adjust your follow-up strategy based on what works best.

Consistent and timely follow-ups increase the likelihood of deal closure, unlocking potential revenue that might otherwise be missed.

Optimize Lead Nurturing

Not all leads are ready to close immediately. Properly nurturing leads over time is essential for converting them into successful deals.


Use your CRM to segment leads based on their stage in the buying process.
Create targeted nurturing campaigns to provide relevant information and build relationships.
Monitor engagement levels and adjust your nurturing efforts accordingly.

Effective lead nurturing keeps potential clients engaged, increasing the chances of conversion and unlocking future revenue.

Leverage Data Analytics

Your CRM contains a wealth of data that can provide insights into your sales pipeline’s performance. Leveraging this data allows you to make informed decisions and optimize your processes.


Utilize your CRM’s reporting and dashboard features to track key metrics, such as conversion rates, deal velocity, and pipeline health.
Identify trends and areas for improvement based on data analysis.
Implement changes and monitor their impact on your pipeline’s performance.

Data-driven decisions help you optimize your sales pipeline, leading to higher efficiency and increased revenue.

Implement a Continuous Improvement Cycle

The real estate market is dynamic, and your sales pipeline must adapt accordingly. Continuously evaluating and improving your processes is crucial for long-term success.


Regularly review your CRM data and pipeline performance.
Gather feedback from your sales team and clients to identify areas for improvement.
Implement changes and measure their impact, creating a cycle of continuous improvement.

A well-optimized pipeline that evolves with the market ensures sustained revenue growth and scalability.

Unlocking $400k in stuck revenue is achievable by leveraging your CRM to its full potential. By identifying and fixing leaky pipes, enhancing follow-up processes, optimizing lead nurturing, leveraging data analytics, and implementing a continuous improvement cycle, you can streamline your sales pipeline and maximize your revenue potential.

To see how our CRM can help you unlock hidden revenue and optimize your pipeline, book a demo with our team today. Experience firsthand the difference a powerful, well-utilized CRM can make in scaling your real estate business.

The Future of Technology in Real Estate.

As advancements in technology continue to evolve, they are reshaping how we buy, sell, and manage properties.

The real estate industry is on the brink of a technological revolution. As advancements in technology continue to evolve, they are reshaping how we buy, sell, and manage properties. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, the future of real estate is being defined by innovation and digital transformation. Here’s a look at some of the most exciting technological trends set to impact the real estate sector.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and machine learning are transforming real estate by automating tasks, predicting market trends, and enhancing decision-making processes. AI-powered tools can analyze vast amounts of data to provide insights on property values, investment opportunities, and market conditions. Machine learning algorithms can also help personalize property searches for buyers, making the process more efficient and tailored to individual preferences.

Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is revolutionizing the way real estate transactions are conducted. By providing a secure and transparent ledger, blockchain can simplify and speed up the buying and selling process, reduce fraud, and increase trust between parties. Smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms directly written into code, can automate and streamline various aspects of real estate transactions.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are changing how properties are marketed and viewed. VR allows potential buyers to take immersive virtual tours of properties from anywhere in the world, while AR can enhance physical tours by overlaying digital information on the real-world environment. These technologies can save time and resources by enabling remote property viewings and providing more detailed information to buyers.

Internet of Things (IoT)
IoT devices are making properties smarter and more efficient. Smart home technologies, such as automated lighting, heating, and security systems, are becoming increasingly popular. These devices can improve the living experience for residents, reduce energy consumption, and increase property values. IoT can also provide real-time data on property conditions, helping owners and managers maintain and optimize their investments.

Big Data and Analytics

Large amounts of data are providing real estate professionals with unprecedented insights into market trends, consumer behavior, and property performance. Advanced analytics can help investors make data-driven decisions, optimize marketing strategies, and improve operational efficiency. By leveraging big data, real estate companies can gain a competitive edge and better serve their clients.

The future of technology in real estate is bright and full of potential. As these technological trends continue to evolve, they will bring about significant changes in how the industry operates. Real estate professionals who embrace these innovations will be well-positioned to thrive in this new digital landscape.

To see how our cutting-edge CRM is shaping the future of real estate technology, join us at Blueprint 2024, the ultimate tech conference for real estate. The event will be held at The Venetian in Las Vegas from September 17-19. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience firsthand how our CRM can revolutionize your business. Click here to learn more.

How to Warm Up Cold Leads

A real estate agent opening a door to a home

Warm-up your cold leads with expert strategies from leading real estate professionals.

As a residential real estate investor in the US, you know that cold leads can be challenging to convert. However, with the right strategies and tools, you can warm up these leads and turn them into profitable opportunities. Left Main’s CRM offers a range of features designed to help you streamline your outreach and maximize your success. Here’s how you can use our CRM to effectively warm up cold leads.

Leverage Direct Mail for a Personal Touch

Direct mail remains a powerful tool for real estate investors. It allows you to reach potential clients in a personal and tangible way. With our CRM, you can send bulk direct mail directly from the platform, ensuring cost-effective rates regardless of the quantity. Utilize our customized templates for common real estate scenarios to create compelling messages that resonate with your audience. You can even choose from various envelopes to add a personal touch that stands out.

Automate Your Outreach with Cadences

Consistency is key when nurturing cold leads. Our CRM’s Cadence feature allows you to automate your outreach, ensuring no lead falls through the cracks. Schedule bulk emails, texts, and tasks from one easy platform, and maintain a steady flow of communication that builds trust and keeps your brand top-of-mind.

Utilize Robust Reporting with Dashboards

Understanding the effectiveness of your efforts is crucial. Our CRM provides customizable dashboards that give you fast insights into your lead nurturing performance. Track your outreach success, analyze data, and make informed decisions to refine your strategies.

Warming up cold leads requires a strategic approach and the right tools. Our all-in-one real estate CRM provides everything you need to enhance your outreach, track your efforts, and ultimately convert more leads into deals. By leveraging features like Direct Mail, Cadences, robust reporting and seamless integrations you can transform your lead nurturing process and achieve greater success as a real estate investor.

Different Dialers for Investors

A couple of investors comparing real estate listings

In the fast-paced world of real estate, time is money. Whether you’re a seasoned investor, a dedicated broker, or an ambitious agent, the tools you use can make all the difference.

In the fast-paced world of real estate, time is money. Whether you’re a seasoned investor, a dedicated broker, or an ambitious agent, the tools you use can make all the difference. One tool that has become indispensable in the industry is the dialer. A powerful dialer streamlines communication, enhances efficiency, and ultimately drives success. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of dialers favored by real estate professionals in both the residential and commercial sectors in the US. We’ll also introduce you to four top-tier platforms—smrtPhone, Launch Control, DialPad, and RingCentral—that seamlessly integrate with our CRM, Left Main REI, to elevate your business operations.
Types of Dialers in Real Estate
Power Dialers
Power dialers are a favorite among real estate professionals who handle high volumes of outbound calls. These dialers automatically call the next number on a pre-loaded list as soon as the current call ends, minimizing downtime. This is ideal for agents who need to maximize their call outreach, enabling them to connect with more leads in less time.
Predictive Dialers
Predictive dialers take automation a step further by dialing multiple numbers simultaneously and connecting the agent to the first answered call. This type of dialer is perfect for large-scale call campaigns, often used by brokerages and investment firms. The predictive nature of these dialers reduces idle time and increases agent productivity.
Preview Dialers
Preview dialers offer a balanced approach by displaying the contact information and call history to the agent before dialing. This allows for a more personalized touch, as agents can prepare for the call with specific insights about the contact. It’s particularly useful for high-value clients or complex transactions where a tailored approach is critical.
VoIP Dialers
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) dialers are becoming increasingly popular due to their flexibility and cost-effectiveness. These dialers use the internet to make calls, providing clear audio quality and the ability to call from anywhere with an internet connection. VoIP dialers are ideal for remote agents and teams spread across different locations.
Top 4 Dialer Platforms That Integrate Seamlessly with Our Service
To help you leverage the full potential of dialers, we’ve partnered with leading platforms that integrate seamlessly with our service.
Here’s a closer look at our top picks:
smrtPhone is a cutting-edge VoIP platform designed specifically for real estate professionals. It offers robust features like click-to-call, call tracking, and dynamic caller ID, making it easier to manage communications. Integration with our service means you can automate workflows, capture data efficiently, and enhance your overall customer relationship management.
Launch Control
Launch Control is renowned for its innovative approach to SMS marketing and prospecting. While not a traditional dialer, its integration with our platform allows you to combine SMS outreach with calling campaigns effectively. This dual approach ensures you can reach prospects through multiple touchpoints, increasing your chances of conversion.
DialPad is a versatile VoIP dialer that provides a unified communications solution. It integrates voice, video, and messaging into a single platform, facilitating seamless communication within your team and with clients. Our integration with DialPad ensures that all interactions are logged and managed efficiently, providing you with a holistic view of your communications.
RingCentral is a powerhouse in the VoIP industry, offering a comprehensive suite of communication tools. Its robust features include auto-dialing, call recording, and analytics. When integrated with our service, RingCentral enables you to streamline your call management processes, ensuring that no lead or follow-up opportunity is missed.
In the competitive realm of real estate, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial. Dialers—whether power, predictive, preview, or VoIP—are essential for maximizing productivity and enhancing communication.
By leveraging platforms like smrtPhone, Launch Control, DialPad, and RingCentral, and integrating them with our real estate CRM, Left Main REI, you can take your business to new heights. Embrace the power of these dialers and watch your real estate endeavors flourish.

Wholesaling Isn’t Dead, Greed Is.

A real estate investor smiles while sitting next to his laptop with his CRM open

The landscape of wholesale real estate investing in the United States is undergoing significant changes as new laws are introduced to regulate this once largely unregulated industry.

The landscape of wholesale real estate investing in the United States is undergoing significant changes as new laws are introduced to regulate this once largely unregulated industry.

These regulations aim to curb unethical practices and increase transparency, but they also present challenges for wholesalers accustomed to the previous laissez-faire environment. Despite these hurdles, wholesaling isn’t dead; rather, it only requires adaptation and ethical practices to thrive in this new era. Understanding the New Regulations:

Several states have introduced laws that directly impact wholesale real estate investing. Common provisions include:

  • Licensing Requirements: Many states now require wholesalers to obtain a real estate license. This move aims to ensure that wholesalers are held to the same standards as licensed real estate agents, promoting professionalism and accountability.
  • Disclosure Obligations: New regulations mandate full disclosure of a wholesaler’s position in the transaction. This means that wholesalers must clearly inform all parties that they are not the property owners but are instead assigning their contract to a buyer.
  • Marketing Restrictions: Some laws restrict how wholesalers can market properties they do not own. This includes limitations on advertising properties without disclosing their equitable interest.

Strategies to Continue Wholesaling Successfully:

Savvy wholesalers can continue to thrive despite these challenges by embracing ethical practices and adjusting their strategies. Here are some critical approaches:

Obtain the Necessary Licenses: Compliance is non-negotiable. Obtaining a real estate license not only ensures you are operating within the law but also enhances your credibility with sellers, buyers, and other real estate professionals. The process involves taking pre-licensing courses, passing an exam, and adhering to continuing education requirements.

Emphasize Transparency: Build trust by being upfront about your role in the transaction. Clearly communicate to sellers and buyers who you and your business are and explain the benefits of your services. Transparency can mitigate suspicions and foster long-term relationships.

Invest in Education: Stay informed about the evolving legal landscape and best practices in real estate investing. Participate in industry conferences, join real estate investment groups like Collective Genius, and take courses that cover new regulations and innovative strategies.

Focus on Value Creation: Shift your mindset from quick profits to creating genuine value for all parties involved. This includes finding deeply discounted properties, offering fair deals to sellers, and providing investors with profitable opportunities. Ethical investing prioritizes win-win scenarios.

Leverage Technology and Data: Utilize advanced tools and platforms like Left Main REI to identify and analyze potential deals. Technology can streamline your operations, from lead generation and marketing to managing transactions and ensuring compliance with new regulations.

Build Strong Relationships: Networking is more important than ever. Develop relationships with real estate agents, investors, and other investors. Collaborating with licensed agents can also provide access to a broader range of deals and resources.

Adjust Marketing Strategies: Ensure your marketing materials comply with new laws by clearly disclosing your role in the transaction. Use language that reflects your equitable interest in properties and avoid misleading statements.

The new real estate investing regulations are designed to create a more ethical and transparent market. While these changes may seem daunting, they also present an opportunity for wholesalers to distinguish themselves through professionalism and ethical practices.

Real estate investors can continue to succeed by obtaining the necessary licenses, emphasizing transparency, investing in education, focusing on value creation, leveraging technology, building strong relationships, and adjusting marketing strategies.

Wholesaling isn’t dead–greed is. The future belongs to those willing to adapt and uphold the highest standards in their business practices.


Why Your Real Estate Business Needs a Salesforce-Powered CRM

Salesforce Office

The real estate industry is fast-paced, competitive, and fiercely local. It’s essential for real estate professionals to have the tools they need to succeed, especially in unforgiving, turbulent market conditions.

The real estate industry is fast-paced, competitive, and fiercely local. It’s essential for real estate professionals to have the tools they need to succeed, especially in unforgiving, turbulent market conditions. That’s why Salesforce offers real estate-specific CRMs on AppExchange that help real estate professionals streamline their work, close more deals, and grow their businesses.

Mobile-Friendly and Easy Phone Integrations

Real estate professionals are always on the go and they need access to their customer data and tools from anywhere, at any time. That’s why their real estate CRM is mobile-friendly and includes easy phone integration options. Real estate professionals can easily capture and log calls (and recordings!) with customers automatically, and even access marketing-specific phone numbers for quick and effective follow-up. The only thing more important than phone functions are text message abilities! Easy texting abilities and text follow-up sequences are also critical in keeping a personal touch with customers. Don’t know what to write for sequences or what is the most effective? It’s got you covered with pre-configured sequences and templates from preferred real estate collection partners.

Quick Property Analysis

In the real estate industry, time is money. Homeowners now expect to have an accurate offer or a potential list price in seconds. Quickly pulling comparables and determining property valuations quickly will facilitate effective conversations with homeowners. Real estate professionals need to have access to this information and estimate potential repair costs in minutes, all within the same system. The power of Salesforce and real estate-specific solutions moves the power of data, public records, and strong systems directly into your hands. This helps real estate professionals make informed decisions and close more deals.

Daily To-Do Lists

If you’re looking to make your day-to-day more efficient, find a real estate CRM that includes a daily to-do list feature, which allows real estate professionals to filter their tasks according to what’s due today and what’s coming up over the next week. This customization helps real estate professionals work more efficiently and stay on top of their tasks and gives you the ability to log calls, send emails, and create new tasks and events in a single click, without switching screens, further streamlining the work process.

Long-Term Follow-Up

Long-term follow-up is critical in the real estate industry and a real estate CRM can help real estate professionals stay focused on the highest priority homeowners while ensuring nothing slips through the cracks with existing leads that may need just a bit of nurturing before they are ready to buy or sell. In the fiercely competitive market, you need to stay front of mind when homeowners are ready to take action. Who will they call first? The person they heard from last!

Real Estate-Specific KPIs

Finding a real estate CRM includes offering real estate-specific KPIs, which allow real estate professionals to track and measure their performance and make informed decisions, can also help grow your business. The ability to monitor what’s working and what needs to be improved is key to achieving reliable profit in the real estate industry.

Easy E-Signature 

Real Estate and contracts go together like peas and carrots and so should your CRM and your contracts! Integrating this action is paramount for tight tracking of active open contracts and automation post-signing.

Whether it’s mobile-friendly and easy phone integration, quick property analysis, daily to-do lists, long-term follow-up, or real estate-specific KPIs, the right real estate CRM will have everything real estate professionals need to close more deals, build stronger relationships with customers, and grow their business.